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peony planting spacing

The ideal peony planting spacing

  • Blog
  • 3 September 2024

Peonies are beloved for their beautiful, fragrant flowers and the elegance they add to any garden. To make sure these flowers thrive and bloom plenty year after year, it’s important to plant them with the right spacing. Proper spacing not only supports healthy growth, but also helps prevent disease. In this blog, we would like to tell you more about the ideal peony spacing. Feel free to read on.

Why proper spacing between peonies matters

Peonies can live for many years in the same spot if they are well cared for. However, their health depends a lot on how they are planted, especially the spacing. Giving peonies enough space allows air to flow, which helps prevent diseases like botrytis, a fungus that can rot the buds. With proper spacing, peonies also get more nutrients, water and sunlight. This makes them stronger and more likely to bloom well.

ideal peony planting spacing

Ideal spacing for peonies

When planting peonies, try to space them 2 to 3 feet apart. This gives each plant plenty of room to grow without crowding other peonies. Peonies can get quite large, with mature plants reaching up to 3 feet wide. By spacing peonies 2 to 3 feet apart, you ensure that even full grown plants have enough space, reducing competition for resources and improving air circulation.

If you are planting peonies in rows, like in a garden bed or along a border, leave about 3-4 feet between rows. This extra spaces makes it easier to care for the peony plants, such as weeding and watering, while they still have plenty of room to grow.

peony spacing

Groot & Groot: Order peonies in bulk

Would you like to know more about the ideal peony planting spacing? Or are you curious about the prices of our peony roots? Groot & Groot supplies peony flowers and peony cuttings in wholesale quantities. We supply worldwide to professional growers and (export) wholesalers. At Groot & Groot, we are able to grow peonies all year round. Please don’t hesitate to contact us. You can also e-mail us directly: or call: +(31) (6) 110 60 243. We are happy to help you!

Written by

Joost Groot (COO)

Cultivation and HR & Organization

Owner specialized in Cultivation & Organization
Wide range of experience in the cultivation of peonies both for flower and bare root production in multiple climate zones.